πŸ‘₯ User Management System


Here you will learn about 

  1. Users
  2. User Role Permissions
  3. Inviting users to the platform
  4. Creating and Managing Teams

User Role Permissions (Platform & Project Levels)

We have 3 users roles in the platform

  • Admin
  • Contributor
  • Viewer

Here is a list of what they can do: 

Who can invite who

  • Viewers can only invite viewers
  • Contributros can only invite viewers
  • Administrators can invite all roles

Inviting users to the platform

Inviting users is straightforward, simply head to the project you want to invite the users to and click on the 'Add to a project' button in the bottom left corner. You can invite one or many users at the same time, by simply adding their email addresses and assigning roles to them. Note that you can assign permission up to the same level as your role.