🏠 Home Screen

💡This is where you land when you log in to N&L. The Home Screen helps you answer critical questions fast using data and AI. Whether you are looking for a quick update or key drivers for delivery, you can find high level answers here!

Here, you’ll learn how to quickly answer questions like:

  • What is my project progress?
  • Which WBS is falling behind?
  • How many days can I save?
  • How good is my plan?
  • Which days are more important?
  • Which activities do I care about?

What is my project progress?

You can check the interactive S curve to measure your project progress to date, along with how future progress is planned. You can also visually compare your project-to-date with your baseline.

You can easily select the information you wish to visualise, whether you just want to check your baseline or your current plan, or include both actual and early/late dates. All just one click away!

Which WBS is falling behind?

With a single look, you can spot the WBS which is falling further behind in terms of progress (compared to the baseline).

The length of each segment in the visual also corresponds to the number of activities that are contained within that WBS. Therefore, the longer the segment, the more activities are contained within it.

Combining the two pieces of information above, you can easily prioritise WBS based on their deviance from baseline and the number of activities contained within.

Click on each of the circle’s segments and you will be redirected to a new screen where you can drill down to your selection’s children's WBS and activities, and find out more information.


How many days can I save?

You can check out the 'How many days can I save?' widget for recommendations on which activities to shorten to limit delays. On this widget, you will see the number of activities to modify and how many days you will save just by doing so. You can access the detailed list of these activities and more insight by clicking on the ‘View More’ button.


How good is my plan?

‘How good is my plan?’ widget helps you assess the quality of your plan by simply looking at the spider graph. By simply hovering over a test name on the spider graph, you will be able to identify the number of activities that fail that specific test.

Which days are more important?

The 'Which days are more important?' widget helps you identify the most important days of a specific month based on the number of activities. By clicking on the Average total float from the drop-down menu you will identify the most important days of a specific month based on the Average of total float.

Which activities do I care about?

This widget helps you keep track of your most important activities. You can easily bookmark the activities you are interested in from the activities screen and then track their progress.

This widget offers two different tracking methods:

  1. Start: By selecting the start option you will be able to see the actual start date on the selected update (Actual), the start date on the baseline (Plan), and the difference.
  2. Finish: By selecting the finish option, you will be able to see the actual finish date on the selected schedule update (Actual), the end date on the baseline (Plan), and the difference