πŸ“– Risk Register

This screen enables you to:

  1. Define your risk events
  2. Define their impact and propability. 
  3. Set owners for each risk event.

Set up the risk register

You can easily record risk events for future use on your risk register. Simply click on the risk register page from the side bar to add all the details about the risk event. 



We have the following columns: 

  • Code: A short name for each risk event that will be used to reference the risk event in other page, such as Risk and Risk Drivers You can change it to whatever you want. 
  • Name: A longer more verbose name for the risk event. 
  • Probability Distribution: We offer two types
    • Single value e.g 50%
    • Uniform
  • Probability %: The probability value.
  •  Impact Distribution: We offer 3 types
    • Single value
    • Uniform 
    • Triangle
  • Impact: The Impact value
  • Score: A score indicating how important the risk event is. You can see how we calculate it here
  • Description: A description of the event 
  • Notes: A field that can be used to keep notes about the risk event
  • Reoccurence:  The reocurrence setting controls how many times a risk can occur during a single iteration for each activity it is assigned to. For example, if the reocurrence is set to 1 and the risk event is assigned to Activity A and Activity B, the risk can occur up to once on Activity A and up to once on Activity B within the same iteration. If the reocurrence is increased to 2, the risk can occur up to twice per iteration for each assigned activity.