πŸ“ˆ Progress

πŸ’‘Get information for your project and any of your WBS and activity codes. No fuss, no pain, no Excel documents. Just one click for KPIs and S-curves, from the project to the activity level.


This screen enables you to:

  1. Focus on the WBS is are impacted the most
  2. Access key progress KPIs
  3. Drill to the activity level

Focus on the WBS that is impacted the most

You can track the Progress performance of your project and WBS/Activity Codes by the left hand side. The number shows the difference between baseline and current progres. 


You can expand and navigate to additional levels within a WBS (or Activity code) by using the slider or the expansion arrows!

Configuring the screen

By clicking on the configuration button you can change: 

  • Progress Type: Choose to measure the duration in days or number of activities completed. 
  • Hierarchy: You can choose between WBS or any Activity Codes hierarcyh you may have
  • Granularity Type: Whether the results will be in days or in days,hours and minutes.


Access key progress KPSs

For every selected WBS (or Activity Codes) there are 5 Progress KPIs available, each of which is briefly explained in the interactive visual. For each of those KPIs, you can also see how that KPI of your current schedule compares with your baseline. These are:

Progress S curve

Represents the completion of the project over time. Yellow color is the baseline, blue is the current schedule. Everything here is compared to the baseline. If the yellow line is above the blue line. it means that your current schedule is delayed compared to the baseline. For example, you can see that according to the baseline the project was supposed to be 74.9% while the current schedule is 52.3% which means that we are 22.7% delayed.  



Activities per day

How many activities are being completed per day. Yellow color is the baseline and blue is the selected schedule. By hovering over one can see how many activities were supposed to be completed according to the baseline and according to the selected schedule. For example in this case we see that this is a project falling behind in relationship with the baseline and they try to make up for it in the future. 


Schedule Compression

The total amount of Free Float that exists between all activities of the schedule over time. 

  • If the amount of free float is not decreasing at the same rate as the baseline it means that the schedule is late.
  • High amount of free float may also mean that the schedule is not properly scheduled. 


Performance Index

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) of the schedule. Value above 1 means the schedule is ahead, smaller than 1 means the schedule is behind. 

Weeks behind

How many weeks the project is behing compared to the baseline

 Drill down to the activity level

Once you select a WBS level (or Activity Code) you can see at the List of Activities tab, all the activities in that WBS. You can filter each column as you see fit, customize the columns and download that list in an excel.